Global Waste Polloution

We have $Billions of funding available to us from the US EXIMBANK for Waste Gasification & 100% Recycling plants and Solar Farms.

Waste Management problems throughout Africa must be made more Sustainable.

In August 2020 our New Waste collection company was Registered in Ghana called WTE Waste Management Ghana Limited.  it is hoped we will be chosen by the GoG to provide our Gasification plants for Accra & kumasi.

kenya 18

ZERO Waste to Landfill

Waste is a Resource - Utilise the waste in Landfill sites in our fully funded Waste-to-Energy Gasification & Recycling plants

Produce much needed Green Clean Electricity

Manyfacture products such as Concrete blocks for House building and roads surfaces.

kenya 18

ZERO Waste to Landfill in Nigeria


ZERO Waste to Landfill in Cote Divoire

italy map

ZERO Waste to Landfill in Italy

Succsess Connections

ZERO Waste to Landfill in Gambia

sarralle incineration

ZERO Waste to Landfill in DRCongo


Negotiate - Funding

Offer Sustainable Waste solutions and funding mechanisms for African Countries to adopt Sustainable Waste Management.

Countries we are negotiating with include Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia, Malawi and in Europe - Turkey, Mexico, Italy, Brazil and Bulgaria.

Description of Project - ZERO to Landfill

Our  proposals outline a complete Sustainable Waste solution, services and full funding.

This is not just a Gasification project, it is a complete Sustainable Waste solution to the current waste problems in Africa: Waste-to-Energy Gasification – Clean Green Energy - Recycling, no Landfills, funding & ,000's of  Jobs.  Within this proposal we wish now to work with African Countries and provide Gasification technology & Funding for this ZERO Waste to Landfill projects.




Next Steps...

If your Country needs funding and Sustainable Waste Management technology then please contact us and we will be very willing to discuss your requirements...